Artificial Intelligence | the soon-to-be new normal

The world has been buzzing about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will gradually take over every area of your life. (not even kidding!) We don’t recognize it, but the transformation has already begun. Sixty percent of internet users have used an AI chatbot (Chat + Robot, for those of us) to answer questions across numerous apps and websites.

Artificial intelligence (AI) improvements in recent years have resulted in more intuitive reporting, as well as the automation of basic marketing activities such as site traffic monitoring and search engine optimization for organic reach. But, instead of focusing on what we’ve already learned from AI, it’s time to consider how it will affect digital marketing in the future.

As AI technology improves, so do its capabilities, which have progressed from automated operations and campaigns to the ability to forecast what customers will want next. AI is capable of analysing more data, at a faster rate, than humans. (Like Flash!) As a result, it can assess the purchase history and behaviour of customers using the enormous data set available. Then you’ll be able to recommend a certain item or promotion, or even a customised ad.

You can target your customers with the product or service they need, just when they need it, by using AI to predict their next action. This type of targeting will result in high conversion rates and the impression that you are aware of your clients’ demands without being invasive or overwhelming them with useless targeting. (Harsh!)